A Spectrum of...
2024 Gallery
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Inspired by the theme, A Spectrum of..., these are the 25 selected photographs from our statewide Unshuttered Open Call. Teen photographers were invited to share the different spectrums of their daily life.

Life is a kaleidoscope of experiences, emotions, moments. For the 2023/2024 Unshuttered Open Call, we asked teens to consider these different spectrums of their daily life, and beyond. Young photographers from across all of California submitted original photographs in response to the theme, A Spectrum of... The prompt was open to creative and artistic interpretation and led to an inspiring and diverse collection of work. The selected photographs, chosen by a judging panel of Getty professionals and artists, capture emotions, interests and individuals that are meaningful and engaging. The photos are in vibrant color and black and white, have strong compositions and are technically ambitious, they show the deeply personal and the universal.

Judging Criteria